Songwriting Workshops

  • Write Songs You Love

    No matter what we do with the songs we write, preserving the essence of who we are and what we want to say in them is most important. This is the place where songwriting becomes therapeutic, personal, scary, and real. If we don’t feel connected to the songs we write, no one else will, and the process can feel empty.

    This program is a 3 month deep dive into the why’s and heart of songwriting, and comes with challenges that put that into practice. Here’s what past participants have said about the experience:

    “It’s a program for songwriter’s who have lost their inner compass”

    “This helped me understand why I write songs”

    “It taught me how to care about the listener”

    “This helped me find my way into my own songs”

    The program has evolved to offer a 3 month Part 2, titled Share Songs You Love, and a 3 month Part 3, titled Perform Songs You Love. Both require Write Songs You Love to be taken first.

    Online Zoom upcoming session dates:

    Sign up on the wait list to apply!

  • Put Pants on Your Songs

    We all have them….buried deep in the depths of our voice memos, note books, napkins, hard drives……pants-less songs that never crossed the finish line. The hard truth is that many won’t. There will forever be a list of unfinished songs, and that is a fact. However, some songs hang on, poke their heads out of the sand every once in a while, and remind us that they have something special to say. This 5 session workshop over 5 weeks is dedicated entirely to the completion of those half baked melodies screaming for closure! Do them a favour….put pants on your songs!

    Online Zoom upcoming session dates:

    April 30th-June 11th, 4-6pm (No sessions on May 14th and June 4th)

    This session will have a focus on mixing and mastering, and how it can help your songwriting!

  • The One Song Challenge

    If you've had a writing block for a while, or just want to push yourself and connect with likeminded songwriters from around the world, this is the ultimate workshop for you!

    The premise of this workshop is to write a new song every week based on a weekly challenge. Participants present their work to the group (max 5 people) the following week. You receive feedback, and also give feedback to others. There is also a particular lesson focus of each session, which varies depending on what the participants involved feel they need at that moment in time.

    Online Zoom upcoming session dates:

    Stay tuned for upcoming sessions


If you are interested in time slot that isn’t offered, or have a group of songwriting friends you’d like to find a time for, feel free to connect, and we’ll see what we can do!